Worship of sacrifice; means that it is sacrificed an animal being suitable to be slaughtered with the purpose of worship. The diseases generally being known by the name of zoonoeses that are infected from vertebrates to humans and, it has continued to cause a problem for public health in our country. Nevertheless, it is known that the taken measures being for both animals and environment form a basis for effective control in the zoonotic diseases. Therefore, it is essential that necessary measures are taken for the protection of social and environmental health in sacrifice feast which the contact of humans with animals increase more.
A) Minimum requirements for health, environmental health and safety must be fulfilled in the sacrifices selling area.
It is necessary that the vehicles to be used for transportation of sacrificial animals from one place to another must be designed properly and it is necessary that suitable ramps can be used when loading and unloading the animals. It must be fitted grids required for the unloading of animals and it is necessary that various safety measures are taken in order that the animals cannot run away when they are brought by vehicles for selling area.

Persons who carry out the transport during transporting of sacrificial cattle must be informed about the issue and have experience in this regard.
The cattles must have a halter and whose linen sufficiently strong and long is necessary.
The floor of the sacrifice sale areas must be made of washable material and be kept dry and clean.
All around the sacrifice sale areas should be surrounded with tarpaulin or similar material and comply with the animal health and be covered above the point of sale.
Places must exist in which citizens can meet their social needs In sacrifice sale areas.
The wastes and dirties in sale areas must be daily cleaned by the officer and their cleanliness should be provided.
B) Points to be considered while sacrificial animal is purchased;

Must have a health certificate from a veterinarian or certificate of origin
Must have an earring and animal identification card
Must not be very lean (cachexia) and pregnant and breed short time ago
Must not be immature and it is necessary that their meats must not be mature
Their look and appearance must be dynamic
Their clay must not be fuzzy and mat
Must not be over-reacting or be insensitive against the environment
Must not have salivary flow
Must not have a high fever
Do not have a foul-smelling diarrhea
Do not have a foul-smellin nasal flow
C-Transportation to the slaughtering site
It is necessary for the carriage of animals at the slaughtering site to be avoided from actions that it is especially hit with a stick, is twisted tails of the animals, brought foot of the animal with a hatchet while the animal runs away that animals are not disturbed. If necessary, the eyes of animals should be brought away slaughtering by being singly tied. Measures which will prevent the animals run away and damage to the environment must be taken while the animals bring awat slaughtering site.
D- Ideal slaughter, objective in ideal slaughter;
The animal must not agonised. It must be provided blood letting well (cut through three of the four tubes in the neck) These processes are hygienically performed.
Slaughtering process of the animal must be completed within thirty seconds without stressing it out after the animal is laid with an appropriate method.
E) Skinning of the slaughtered animal;
The skinning is usually done by a blade. However, careful treatment is required for stripping skin with a blade so that the skin will not be damaged or cut. Stripping skin should be made as skining sheep. In order not to damage the skin, the skin should be protected by being salted with coarse salt with a diameter of 2-4 mm in a ratio of at least 30% of the skin weight on condition that all parts withinside are salted.
F) Points to be considered while stripping skin of animals;
It must not be present dust, dirt and feces etc. on the floor of the slaughtering site in any case. Thus, skin, part under the tail and contaminated areas must be washed well after blood is let. The surface of the skin should not touch on the meat in no case.
It is necessary to ensure that ingredients are never poured onto the meat and the offal in the removal of the digestive tract. It can in this respect processes such as the connection of the esophagus and rectum (rectal) or method not giving any food to the animal 12 hours in advance before slaughter.
Consumable products must be immediately separated from the non-consumable products.
The genital organs and bowel of the animal shall be kept separate from the clean offal and removed accordingly.There must not be put tripe and bowel onto the floor of the slaughtering site.
After the stripping, the inner and outer side of the animal body, dust if any should be washed by using water as needed to remove blood, interior of tripe and bowel and other contaminants.
Cloth must not be absolutely used to wipe the body in any case after washing. Paper towels should be used, if necessary.
After the slaughter, carcase is required to be aged.
G) The least technical and hygienical conditions are required to be presented at the sacrificial slaughter site;

The sites to be slaughtered must be designed so that they can be easily washed and sterilized , it is necessary that water and blood can not accumulate on the floor.
There must have lights and vents.
Potable water in sufficient quantity and pressure must be present in slaughtering area.
There must be an appropriate system for cleaning and disinfection of the hands of workers operating with tools and materials touching on meat in slaughtering operations.
It is necessary to be provided that waste and feces and by-products consisting after slaughter are removed and disposed of and eliminated in accordance with hygienical conditions in such a way not to being harmed to environment and public health accordingly.
The diseased organs and carcasses must be buried in at least 2 meters deep pits and then they are covered with lime or destroyed by burning.
There should be available places meeting the social needs of the people who are present there in sacrificial slaughtering site.
An arrangement to prevent must be brought that the animals can not see each other in slaughter sites.

It is necessary that the animals should not be slaughtered in no case on the roadside or on the street in such a way that it disturbs the sense of community.
The wastes and feces of the slaughtered animals may not be thrown not to be polluted the environment so that environment are not discomforted with the reason. These should be filled in thick carrier bags in the way the bags are closed well and then put dustcarts and garbage containers.
H) Legal proceedings
There are various sactions in our laws for people who do not respect technical regulations. It is important in terms of public and environmental health that our people slaughter their sacrificial animals according to religious obligations and technical and hygienic conditions which are prescribed in the laws.